We are an International Congregation of Catholic Religious Women
dedicated to Mary, the first Christ-bearer.

We live in a community of faith, openness and hospitality, committed to the stewardship of creation as God’s gift to all.

We invite you to discover more about
our life, work and mission.

What we do

The Poor Servants of the Mother of God work in a wide range of ministries. We provide services in the fields of Social Care, Health Care, Education, Pastoral Care and Spiritual Development, Chaplaincy and Catechetics, as well as missionary projects and collaborative projects with other providers.

  • We believe that we are called to hold the Christ-light for each person regardless of race, colour, religion or disability.
  • We believe that we are invited to be missionary and to share the riches and challenges of the Gospel wherever we are.
  • We are convinced that the earth we live on is precious and beautiful and deserves to be preserved intact for future generations as an Incarnational gift.
  • We are Poor Servants because, following in the footsteps of our Foundress, Mother Magdalen, we are attracted to the God who became one of us. Each day we strive anew to reach out with the compassion and love of Jesus.

Latest from around the world

Press Release: A tribute to Sr. Colette

Tess Hunter July 25, 2024

A tribute to Sr. Colette, member of the Order of the Poor Servants of the Mother of God and former teacher in Manor House…

July – Month Devoted to the Eucharist and Prayer

Madeleine O'Brien July 8, 2024

Intention of the mont TO BECOME MORE AWARE  OF THE INCARNATIONAL GIFT OF CHRIST’S BODY AND BLOOD “When you have a party, invite the…

June: Month of the Sacred Heart

Madeleine O'Brien June 1, 2024

“…May Christ dwell in your hearts through faith, that rooted and grounded in love, you may have the strength to comprehend with all the…

Our Team


Jane Doe

Founder & Decorator


Eliana Doe

Eliana Doe

Garden Decorator
Christina Doe

Christina Doe

Lawn Curator


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Message for the Day 2

Feast of the Queenship of Mary

Tess Hunter August 22, 2024

Again, we are asked to say a fervent Magnificat as we think of Mary as Queen, Mistress and Lady of the Congregation. "My soul…



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