A Christmas appeal for the Poor
Encouraged by the generous response to former appeals, we beg that you will charitably allow us a small space in your columns to make our annual appeal on behalf of the poor at Christmas. Every year, thanks to kind help, we have been able to provide a Christmas dinner for numerous poor families, and also to give the annual dinner in honour of the Holy Child to many orphaned children. We beg also to plead with our kind friends for any little help in the way of toys or clothing and for cards for our refugees and the poor old people in the workhouses. Packages of tea, or snuff would be most acceptable to them. Please make “a bright and happy Christmas” for them, and be mindful of their happiness at this holy time…
Sr. Clare Aloysius, SMG, The Tablet, December 1902
Christmas is a time for thinking of others. Let us look for the opportunities we have in our situation today for helping those less fortunate than ourselves.