Thought for the Day
Our Lord expects great generosity from us, and he has every right to expect it. Pray this prayer of St....
Our Lord expects great generosity from us, and he has every right to expect it. Pray this prayer of St....
Find a gentle heart, and there you will find our Lord reposing lovingly. Pray: Jesus meek and humble of heart,...
Try in the spiritual life to copy our Lord as a painter who is always looking at his model, and...
The first thing I want, and the first gift I wish for all of you is an increased devotion to...
We should cherish a tender devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and to those means which tend to keep...
Now go and be an apostle of the Sacred Heart’s love. (Greetings to Sisters making their vows) We know, Jesus,...
Mother Magdalen seemed to feel that she could never do enough to honour the Sacred Heart. The original of the...
Aim high. Don’t mind the means if only you attain the end – close union with the Heart of Jesus....
Say to our dear Lord: “I bear this for love of your dear Heart. You were worried and harassed on...
Our Lord’s life of prayer, work and suffering was the proof of his love. We must prove our love for...
Poor Servants of the Mother of God
Maryfield Convent, Mount Angelus Road,
London SW15 4JA
Tel: 0208 788 4351
Poor Servants of the Mother of God
Designed by Bodecker