Posts by Tess Hunter

The Agony in the Garden

The Agony in the Garden

Where our saints have prayed and suffered, springs a harvest fair and good… The first sorrowful mystery of the Rosary...

Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary

Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary

Our Rosary. What wonders we could do with it if we chose! How many souls could we win if our...

The Loss of Jesus

The Loss of Jesus

Lo! where sowed our Fathers weeping, Where our martyrs rained their blood… The fifth Joyful mystery seems to be a...

The Presentation in the Temple

The Presentation in the Temple

Joyful chant the angel reapers as they gather in the grain… The Presentation in the Temple must have astonished the...

The Birth of Jesus

The Birth of Jesus

…to Our Lady’s Harvest Home… The birth of Jesus in Bethlehem, with its coldness and inhospitality on the one hand,...

The Visitation

The Visitation

…sunny youth and age snow-whitened… Young people have always had a great relationship with those much older than themselves. It...

The Annunciation to Mary

The Annunciation to Mary

…when the joyous little children, in a bright procession come… Let’s remember our young people today. Mary was only a...

October – Month of the Rosary, Month of Completion, Month of Contentment

Intention of the month “GIVE HER PRAISE YE FRUITFUL ORCHARDS, GIVE HER PRAISE YE SWELLING SEAS…” “Season of mists and...

Thought for the Day

Thought for the Day

Now uprise the countless Aves, linking earth with Heaven above. October is traditionally the month of the Rosary. Mother Magdalen...

Extract from a letter of 1887

Extract from a letter of 1887

I do so want this year to be one of progress for us all, for you know very well that...