Christmas greetings from the new Generalate team


Christmas greetings to each one of you from the new team at the Generalate.  May this Christmas time of love, celebration and family be blessed for each one of you.

We are very grateful to each for your prayers and expressions of support on our election and look forward to meeting with you during the coming year.

Just before leaving Rome I visited Assisi where I saw this image on an old fresco.  It caught my attention  because of the simple, human, but very real act of loving comfort of the Mother.

We ourselves may have offered such to a bambino, or witnessed or experienced such an act.  We are all surrounded by simple acts of love – but do we notice them, are we conscious of them?

I would like to focus on the idea of Conscious Love this Christmas. As we do very simple things for others, send greetings, buy gifts, make visits….  can we consciously do them with love.  Can we be conscious of the love shown to us by others and give thanks.  When I see the office cleaners at work early in the morning or men clearing leaves in Danebury Avenue, I think of the love they have for their families as they earn their daily bread.  Being conscious of a culture of simple loving acts improves my internal and external environment.

With Mother Magdalen I pray: “May we find our Christmas Joy in making others happy”

Rosarii,  Margaret,  Anne, Kathleen and Meki


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