October: Month of the Rosary, Month of Completion, Month of Contentment
“Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness,
Close bosom friend of the maturing sun.”
John Keats, Ode to Autumn
Hail our Lady’s sweet October,
Month of Virgin Mother’s love!
Now uprise the countless Aves
Linking earth with Heaven above.
When the joyous little children
In a bright procession come
Sunny youth and age snow-whitened
To Our Lady’s Harvest Home.
Joyful chant the angel reappears
As they gather in the grain.
Here again in our poor England
As in lands across the main
Gather they a golden harvest
And again Our Lady’s dower
Yields her tithes of fruit full-ripened,
Yields her bud and fragrant flower.
Yields her bud and fragrant flower.
Lo where sowed our Fathers, weeping
Where our martyrs rained their blood
Where our saints have prayed and suffered
Springs a harvest fair and good
Give her praise, ye fruitful orchards
Give her praise, ye swelling seas,
Far and wide, o’er hill and valley,
Waft her name, O balmy breeze.
Lift your voices, little children,
Maiden, youth and veteran pray
That our world again may flourish
‘Neath Our Lady’s gentle sway.
‘Neath Our Lady’s gentle sway.