Poor Servants of the Mother of God 22nd General Chapter


The 22nd Chapter of the Poor Servants of the Mother of God has just taken place at the Kairos Centre, Roehampton, the headquarters of the Congregation.  Earlier this year, the Poor Servants of the Mother of God celebrated the 150th anniversary of its founding.  It was with gratitude we marvelled at what has been achieved by our Sisters and our collaborators.

Above: New General Council Sisters Margaret Cashman, Mary Holmes, Munanie Synego, Mary Whelan and Mumbi Mutwii

The Theme of the Chapter was Strengthened and United, we go forward to love, serve and witness.

Delegates from six countries, Kenya, Tanzania, England, Ireland, Italy, and USA represented their communities.  The three-week event included a three-day retreat, and a discerning process led by Fr Michael Holman SJ.

Above: Outgoing General Council: Sisters Rosarii O’Connor, Anne Curran, Margaret Cashman, Kathleen Coleman, and Meki Ngemu

The process and conversations were centred around the Synodal Pathway.  Our facilitator was Sr Brid Long SSL. As this Chapter ends the responsibility of each SMG Sister is to respond to call of the Chapter and discern how to live out the Mandates individually and collectively.

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