September: Month of Thankfulness for the Fruit of Prayer and Service…
Intention of the month
God of Autumn days, give us your vision to see what we must allow to die within us, and what must ripen to a new awareness of the power and beauty of your harvesting, that our hearts may not grow cold or dead, but may burst, surprised, into new energy and life as our days grow shorter, colder and less defined.
With a full heart I write you these lines…
A quarter of a century has passed away since a very small and lowly band began in a very humble way to serve our Lady and the poor.
They did not foresee the future, they hardly thought about it. They were content to do what God wanted at the moment, and leave all in his hands. How can we thank that good providence of God, through the hands of Mary, for all he has done for us? A spirit of deep gratitude ought to animate us all the days of our lives, for God has vouchsafed to give our Order very special marks of his power and his love so that people wonder and are struck. The members ought to have a very special gratitude that they are called to that Order for they know that their call must have been a very special and marked one…
Extract from Mother Magdalen’s letter on the occasion of the Silver Jubilee of the Congregation