The Canonisation of Cardinal John Henry Newman
The Canonisation of Cardinal John Henry Newman on Sunday 13th October was a day of rejoicing for the entire Catholic Church but especially for the Church in England.

He was a contemporary of Mother Magdalen, a committed Anglican who converted to Catholicism. Both were dedicated writers committed to using the printed medium to the propagation of the Catholic faith in England and both founded new Congregations. There was a business like relationship between them and an irregular correspondence as Mother Magdalen wrote him a number of letters asking for contributions to the Lamp, a periodical which she edited. One of his responses resulted in the publication of The Dream of Gerontius.
We possess copies of two more personal letters which she received from the Saint. The first is a brief reply as she sought his assistance in locating her sister Emma who had joined an Anglican Congregation, the second was a letter of sympathy on the death of her mother.
Mother Magdalen, like Saint John Henry Newman was a woman who followed her convictions and used her talents for evangelisation and for the benefit of others. May she follow him on the path to beatification and canonisation. For this, miracles received through her intercession are required.
We need to pray for favours and miracles ourselves and encourage others to do so. Our part is to live her charism, to pray for her beatification and to promote the cause.

The photos show SMGs in Rome in St. Peter’s Square at daybreak on the morning of the canonisation and also at the special celebrations for the English pilgrims on the following day.