Thought for the Day

This is a happy day for you and for your dear Foundress in Heaven. After being in the grave at Mortlake for over fifty years, she has come back today to be among her own Sisters, to be in her own Convent,  to be in her own Chapel, to be at the feet of  the Master she loved so well. From her place in Heaven, she is looking down, smiling at us, she is not counting the cost of the sacrifices she made, nor the suffering nor the pain. These things matter no longer. She has left behind her a memory and a monument which will never be forgotten, and which, we hope, will flourish as long as the Church exists.

From the homily by Monsignor Gibney in Maryfield Chapel

on the occasion of the transference

of Mother Magdalen’s body from Mortlake

September 24th, 1959

We thank you for Mother Magdalen’s example of faithfulness, and we pray that we, in our turn, will carry on her work with the same spirit of love and generosity. 

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