World Day for Consecrated Life, 2nd February 2021
“A day dedicated to our wonderful vocation that makes God’s love for women, men and the entire universe shine forth in various ways.”

We Sisters will celebrate this day in our communities, in solidarity with other Consecrated Persons, and all People of Goodwill. In the Encyclical Fratelli Tutti, Pope Francis invites us to act together to bring about a rebirth in everyone, … to dream together…. with a new vision. “We ask all of you to place this Encyclical at the centre of your life, so that, as brothers and sisters, we may prove capable of responding a universal aspiration to fraternity and social friendship.” Letter from the Vatican to Consecrated Persons January 2021.
“Let us rejoice that Our Lord has called us. Remember to put Jesus Christ first and self second. That is our life’s work.” (Ven. Magdalen Taylor)