April – Month of living in the power of the Spirit

Intention for the month:

That in our day we may experience the ‘fresh breath of the Spirit’ on our lives.

Pope Paul V1, Vatican Council 1966

“In the days to come, I will pour out my spirit on all peoples”

 Joel 3:1

Come, Spirit, who is our light,

shine among us, warm and transform our hearts.

Come, Spirit, who makes a home in us,

change our way of thinking and acting;

Come, Spirit, our comforter and consoler,

Heal our woundedness, soothe our anxieties,

Console all those who grieve and ache.

Come, Spirit, who energises us,

keep us from the distraction of fleeting pleasures,

and lead us to moments of prayer and silence.

Come, Spirit, consuming fire of love,                      

fill us with enthusiasm for your vision,

that the desire for truth may be vibrant in us, always.

Come, Spirit, joy of our souls,

Teach us to dance your dance of love

Among the wounded, the lost, the lonely.

Come, Spirit, heart and centre of our world,

warm the hearts of those grown cold,

and launch us into life…


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