The Assumption of Mary into Heaven

The Assumption of Mary into Heaven

Let us think of the great joy we will have in heaven when we see our Blessed Lady. Jesus has...

The Coming of the Holy Spirit

The Coming of the Holy Spirit

Our Lady had quiet trust that God would answer their prayer. So it is with us. He will give us...

The Ascension

The Ascension

“Why is thy face so lit with smiles, O blessed mother, why?” Mother Magdalen wrote a hymn to celebrate this...

Glorious Mysteries – Jesus is risen from the dead

Glorious Mysteries – Jesus is risen from the dead

“Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is risen, he is not here!”  Luke 24:5 The...

The Eucharist

The Eucharist

“What could I have done for my vineyard that I have not already done?” Jesus says to us. What a...

The Transfiguration

The Transfiguration

There is a transfiguration awaiting all of us, but only after some suffering and pain. But after that is over,...

The Announcement of the Kingdom

The Announcement of the Kingdom

God is calling all of us to follow him, and to do our best in his service. The kingdom of...

The Marriage at Cana

The Marriage at Cana

Our Lady so seldom spoke in public, but she knows what her son would do. He will work his first...

Mysteries of Light

Mysteries of Light

Jesus is Baptised in the Jordan See Our Lord with bowed head, receiving Baptism from John. John was “filled with...

Thought for the Day

Thought for the Day

Let’s try when we are in good health to practise patience, for we will need it when we are ill....