Deo Gratias – Streatham
The Church of the English Martyrs celebrates its 125th anniversary this year. One element of the celebrations, an afternoon of praise and thanksgiving for the presence and work of the SMGs, took place in the parish hall on Sat. Feb. 9th. There have always been close links with the local church and the convent since the time of Venerable Mother Magdalen. The Sisters have always been involved in sacristy and pastoral work in the parish and for many years were responsible for St. Mary’s Nursing Home and a residence for adults with disabilities- 131 years of unbroken service. The first Mass in Streatham took place in the Sisters’ chapel.
The event, was opened by Sr Rosarii O’Connor, and included a prayer service, a power point presentation by Sr. Mary Kenefick, a historical talk, and displays of visual material.
A splendid tea was prepared and served by a group of volunteers from the parish and the parish hall was beautifully decorated and arranged to suit the occasion. It was wonderful to meet our sisters of our own and other Congregations, as well as some of the service users still in Streatham, past and present staff and a big number of parishioners. The atmosphere was one of happiness and joy. It was a time for much prayerful rejoicing over a proud history and legacy. Deo Gratias