January Month of Hope and New Beginnings
“May the God of our Lord Jesus Christ enlighten your mind that you may know the great hope to which you are called”
Ephesians 1:17
Pray each day this month for trust in the promises of God
Another year is beginning…
I can feel its insistent call – come and see!
Experience me, try my ideas, put on my newness,
Warm my unused paths, my unexplored possibilities –
But I hold back – I look longingly to the past
to my old unchanging life, my oft-tried ideas,
I feel a deep desire to catch
the glow of past achievement and long-gone triumphs
one more time…
Something in me wants to hold on,
to gather all the good things close:
that part of me that hates to change
and keeps on urging me to hold on tight to what I know.
Then I see a light, your light my Saviour God,
a tiny flicker which moves its way through my fears
– a thread of courage lighting up my dark places –
They call it grace – it is enough for me –
I’ll take the road to yet another year – with hope!
Poem inspired by Joyce Rupp’s insight into light and darkness in “May I have this dance?”
Brenda Schofield