Laudato Si’ Week
16th – 24th May 2021
“for we know that things can change” (LS13)
We were doing great things for the environment…. Are we now doing more/less than we were in 2019?
A quick checklist:
- Recycling
- Minimal use of plastic – bags, straws, drinking glasses…….
- Composting
- Disposable/cloth serviettes?
- Disposable/re-usable masks
- Printing… is it necessary? Both sides?….
- Water…….wasting?
- Boiling water… full kettle for one cup of tea….
- Lights… necessary …. All day?
The list is endless… can we encourage each other for Laudato Si week… and then keep it up.?
Can we also take a day out to enjoy God’s creation – or bring out someone who is housebound?
Can we read and share an article or story related to ecological conversion?