Tanzanian Visit

Sr. Rosarii arrived in Huruvi, Tanzania, the day after Palm Sunday, and was welcomed by parishioners, singing and dancing who had strewn branches on the ground  and presented me with others…  I felt very small indeed.

The following morning there was a special Mass of Thanksgiving for the presence of the SMGs. The church was full church and the choir was worthy to grace any national cathedral.  After Mass, Maria (next to Sr. Charity in the photo) sang our hymn “Grow Jesus”, in English.  The Tanzanians learn English in Secondary School and she is just Form 1.  What a tribute to the spirit of the Sisters and the people.

The people have taken the Sisters to their hearts. They are loved,  they belong, they are involved in parish groups, in meetings and in seminars, as they learn the local culture and improve their Swahili language.  Bishop Bernadin and Fr. Richard could not be more generous to us.

The parish has less than a thousand Catholics and includes six outstations.

This is one group of Christians who had had gathered specially to welcome their visitor.  They meet and pray in their church – the structure in the picture.   ( Jesus was born in a stable/cave!)

The generosity  of a parishioner  has made a house available.  It is secure with very basic facilities. As bats and mice share the space, two cats have been “employed”. The Sisters reflected on and repeated the words of M. Magdalen …. “We were very poor but very happy”.

The main highway of Tanzania is of very high quality the photo shows the road outside the house. Catherine and Charity received their residence permit, 30th. April.  DEO GRATIAS

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